Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keep on keeping up :)

It has been quite some time since I've posted anything...what, 4 months now? There just has not been much going on in the MS front *yay*. Besides, my last visit with the neurologist was early July and the next appointment is not until January '11. I have graduated from going every 3 months to every 6 months! Wow, just in time - we move and I start over again with another doctor. *sarcastic laugh* Well, since there isn't much to report on I might as well share some miscellaneous happenings going on with us....

Monday, 9/27/10, Casey and I will be flying into Las Vegas for the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) convention. We arrive around 7pm and will be there until the early afternoon Friday, 10/1. It will be a great opportunity to do some networking and hopefully acquire additional places to interview. It isn't like the nine-months-until-we-move deadline is all that far away. (wow - really... moving again?!) Oh, and of course we are not going to be all work and no play... we're also are viewing this chance for a mini vacation to have a bit of fun. Why not - after all, it is Vegas!

Casey has an interview for 11/9 lined up at Kaiser Permanente located in Walnut Creek. He is waiting for the time off to be approved before we can book his flight. It is our number one choice so it's pretty exciting. Please luck, be on our side.

Our first wedding anniversary is coming up (9/26), right before we leave for Vegas. In a way it's perfect timing because Casey is working on our anniversary (but has the prior day off) so we figured why not celebrate Vegas style. The trip is sandwiched between our wedding anniversary and the 'since we have been together' date, which is 10/3 and marks 13 year. CrAzY cOoL!

Anyway, Happy *early* First Day of Autumn (9/23)!

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