Saturday, May 22, 2010

Multiple Sclerosis: Advances in Research and Treatment

One of the more common questions people as is 'how did you get MS?" I always explain that currently, there are a few factors (i.e. environmental, genetic, viruses) that may be the cause; however, no one really knows the answer... yet. **To read on 'What Causes MS' click:**

Anyway, the purpose for this posting is to give awareness to an article posted on WebMD about some additional research finding some "genetic underpinnings." The article also discusses a few other topics such as repairing damage (remyelination) and new drug treatments of which some do not involve needles; however, as I posted in my 12/8/09 post, the new drug(s) are not ideal for my situation. Besides, my neurologist is happy with how my current medication is working for me. Hopefully there will be a day I will be without needles, the accompanying sharps container AND get some remyelination. :)

Check out the article (the URL is listed in the sources below) it is very informative.


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