Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Met the new neurologist.

Casey and I met the new neurologist today, and it went worse than I anticipated.

I know Dr. Shah didn't intend to make me upset but with the way she was talking to me just brought me to tears. Like I said, I know she didn't mean to but I did let the doctor know that I thought she was accusing me of lying about my symptoms and/or not telling her if I was having other issues. Casey explained that the awkward silences and the 'interview questions' (since this was my first appointment with this new doctor) are meant to be times for patients to share thoughts/feelings and whatnot.

I also explained that I felt like she was being very demanding by telling me to do things instead of asking me. A better tactic she should utilize would be to explain what she needs to do and let me know that I would need to take my socks and shoes off for the test.

After this visit I am mixed on my emotions as to whether or not I stay with Dr. Shah. I do have to take into account that there is a bit of a culture and language barrier since she has an East Indian background. It is also nice to know she has been in this occupation for quite a while (about 23 yrs) and knows she is doing. However, I believe that her experience in this field would have also brought some additional empathy and manners to the interactions with patients. (Or am I just too sensitive/emotional?) Maybe she learned a bit from our meeting today on how she speaks to others?! I would hope she did :) With that, I think I may give her one more try. If I still am uneasy, I may try and find a better fit. As of now, my next appointment is February 17th. I had A LOT of blood drawn today (a lot = 6 - 8 vials) so we will wait to see the results on that. I know I need to get another MRI on my brain since the last one was in May.

As always, I will keep you posted.