Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Needle Gauge

As of 12/26/2008, Teva Neuroscience, the manufacturing company for Copaxone, launched a new, thinner, 29-gauge pre-filled syringe for Copaxone.

The company reported that a recent survey of 562 MS patients found the new thinner needle was significantly preferred by 77 percent of patients over the previous 27-gauge needle, and that approximately two out of three (66 percent) participants experienced less pain while using the thinner needle and almost half of the participants (49 percent) had a better experience dealing with injection-site reactions.

My most recent refill of Copaxone contained the new gauged syringes so I was happy about that. Today was the second time I used the 29-gauge syringes: yesterday's injection site was in the upper portion of my right arm and today's site was the upper right portion of my hip. It may be the fact of simply knowing that needle's gauge is smaller causes me to think the injection don't seem to hurt as much or what not (but they still, unfortunately, sting) but I am happy to know that the company is trying to improve the comfort factor to those administering medication via syringe.

For the purpose of this entry/post, I took a few side-by-side comparison pictures of the 27 and 29-gauge syringes this morning, however the images were too blurry. I assume my want to get closer than possible pictures to illustrate the difference is not feasible with my camera. Oh well, it's the thought that counts right?! :)

FYI-If you didn't already know, the higher the gauge, the thinner the needle.
