Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wow ~ 1/1/11

Had my 6-month follow-up appointment this morning. Everything went well and my doctor, Dr. Alka Sha, said she is very happy with how things have been and are going. So, again, same ol' same ol'.... nothing much to report on.

May 3rd will be my last visit with Dr. Shah before Casey and I move back to the West Coast (yay). Then the work begins to find a new neurologist with Kaiser in CA. After we move, Dr. Shah said she would continue to prescribe my Rx until I find another neurologist. Sound familiar? My neurologist in NY, Dr. Nabil Aziz did for me when we moved from NY. Moving moving!! Anyway, I asked Dr. Shah if she wouldn't mind giving a recommendation for a neurologist once we know more on where we will be moving to. I will have to get back to her with more information once we know more on our end.


Sara Miller said...

Sometimes no new news is good news! At least things are calm for now before your move.

Danielle said...

That is what most of my postings say. Pretty boring blog I have goin' on here, lol

Sara Miller said...

you have something great to talk about though. a Topic! my blog is pretty boring just because it's random with no real topic. just family so... i keep it up every now and then. :)

Danielle said...

I don't thing you're topic is not boring, it is family. A great place for people to catch up with what is going on with y'all :) My blog is not only like a journal for my benefit but also for others to see what is going on.. and I don't need to remember who I have told what to :P I am all about simplicity.