Monday, May 30, 2016

Dream come true?!

My last posting was about the change from Copaxone to Glatopa, was pretty seamless really.

~*Fast forwarding about six months*~ .. Big changes may be in the very near future (as in 13 days)~

My last neurology appointment (4/29/16) went well - my neurologist was pleased with how well I am doing and have done. We spoke about the possibility of switching to an oral medication, Tecfidera (teck-fi-DARE-ah), but I first needed to get some blood work done and new brain MRIs (w/ and w/o gadolinium, the contrast agent) to see if the change would be a safe and realistic option. After waiting two weeks for the results on all the blood tests and MRI's, they all ended up came back looking good. The doctor's comment on the brain MRI results was the best:
Good News, no new lesion and no enhancement in the lesion, indicate good response to treatment and remaining in remission.

How rad is that?! That definitely made my day!!!, I will keep you posted on how the switch to new oral Rx goes...(I've only been hoping for this day since, well 9/2008!)

If anyone is curious to read more about Tecfidera, here are a couple links: