Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Update: My transition to Glatopa

Well, I have been on Glatopa for 10 days now. I was a little leery, having only been on Copaxone since I was diagnosed; however, the transition has been seamless (alcohol pads were even provided in the kit, seeing as I had gotten use to none in Copaxone kits). Glatopa's autoject is a little different then the one I had been using for Copaxone, but I found it very easy to switch to. I was told the Glatopa autoject is not the same as Copaxone's, therefore only administer Glatopa with it's corresponding autoject. I have yet to utilize Glatopa support network, GlatopaCare, but have signed up and anticipate checking it out in the future.

It pleases me to know the blog I started (and still post to, occasionally) to not only serve as a personal journal and family/friend informative site has now helped a stranger.