Monday, May 14, 2007

Test results

So, my blood work says I am healthy (no thyroid problems, diabetes/blood sugar, animea, infection, kidney or liver problems), the x-rays/CTs show I don't have any herniated disks or anything out of alignment, EMG showed my lower extremities don't have any issues... so, other than the brain issue, I guess you could say I am healthy :)

MS isn't all that easy to diagnose, hence all of the thorough testing to rule stuff out.. and then I have only had one on-set (or a symptom) and usually you need two.

Everyone is glad that I just didn't say 'oh it will go away' and not go to the doctor when I started to get those tingling feelings in my legs and feet. I always say if you notice something just isn't right about your health and it lingers, go to the doctor. That is what they are there for. Why wait for something to get worse, right?!

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