Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My first exacerbation ? (incluing some FAQs on MS)

I believe I just may have been having an exacerbation (temporary symptom flare-ups also referred to as relapses or attacks) for the past few days related to my multiple sclerosis. This could be my first one since my diagnosis 5/'07 so I am not a pro. I am not sure how to exactly describe my symptom but my eyes have been acting a little off, perhaps related to my optic neuritis? Fortunately vision changes are temporary. Due to my vision abnormality I did not volunteer today as I don't feel that it would be wise for me to drive.

Not to change the subject but I thought this would be a good time to provide some more information to everyone about multiple sclerosis (MS). I have been asked a few questions pertaining to MS and pregnancy, the cause(s) of MS, if it is genetic, etc. The following link to some FAQs about MS that addressed the above mentioned questions as well as some additional topics:

I think this set of FAQs does a pretty good job with answering the questions with easy to understand answers. :)

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