Thursday, February 4, 2010

It is confirmed...

... I went to the neuro-ophthalmologist (Dr. Edward Cohn) this morning and he confirmed that I do have mild case of optic neuritis in my right eye related to MS. I already knew about the neuritis but it looks like there is some new inflammation. I am not on any medication (intravenous steroids or oral steroids) for it because there is not any scientific evidence that the benefits would outweigh the risks in such a mild exacerbation. Mild or not it is just annoying and making feel a little nauseous.

Dr. Cohn gave us his home phone number and email address and told us to call if things get any worse -- he also said to contact him regardless to let him know how things are going. :) He was really smart, very thorough and just a real nice man - I was glad we went to see him.

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