Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Cutting to the chase - I am going to get an upper GI (GI=Gastrointestinal) series done at 11 am today.

For those of you who don't already know, Casey and I were on vacation (it was a very good and well needed vacation) in CA this last month. The day before our flight back to NY, we traveled back to San Fran since that was where we would fly out from. well, the next day which was also the day of flying, I woke up not feeling very well. I know, doesn’t it just figure. I guess it is better than having it occur for the entire vacation, right?! Anyway, I thought it was an upset stomach or something, and it would get better. Well, the discomfort didn’t really go away – I did a test to make sure I wasn’t lactose intolerant by not having any dairy for a week. That didn’t really seem to alleviate the stomach pains, so 14 days after the first onset, I went into the doctor and had some blood drawn and was prescribed Prilosec OTC. The doctor thought I may have an ulcer. Then I got a call late last week saying they made an appointment for me to get an upper GI done. Hopefully this test will show us what the problem is. Oh, and I can't forget this -- I 'get' to drink a wonderful mix of barium and water.. oohh can not wait (sarcasm).

Right now (8:40 am) I am just having hunger pains because I was told I am not allowed to drink or eat anything 12 hours before the test. I am thirsty and what better to quench my thirst than a nice blend of barium and water... mmm yummy :<>think I will survive, haha.

If you're curious to what exactly an upper GI is, feel free to check the URL out. **WebMD is awesome - There are even pictures….. ya, :) see I knew that would draw you in**

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