Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Post vacation...

Well, been on vacation and back as of 7/7 *sigh*. Sure felt nice to get away from the norm and see some family and friends :)

Remember the note I had my neurologist write (regarding my carrying on of syringes on the airplane) to assist in a smooth airport security check-through? The check-throughs went smoothly.. but I never had any question about my Rx. Ha, what a surprise. But, you know that 'rule' -- had I not had a note or any documentation about the medicine, security would have been all over it.

Everything is going fine, I spoke to a nurse yesterday in a check-up the specialty pharmacy does every time I am to receive a Rx refill, and she said that the 3 month mark is the big 'milestone'. She meant "big" in that most individuals who have had symptoms will notice them decreasing due to the timeframe the medicine has been allowed in the system and its now ready to work as it should. I told her I don't feel any different from what I had felt like prior to beginning Copaxone, and she explained this is probably due to the fact that, in my case, the disease was caught so fast. Regardless, good information to know. I will take more notice in the coming month if I feel any different as my 3 month mark will be August 31.

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