Friday, August 31, 2007

Still nothing back!

Well, my level of patience has dwindled - I am thinking "am I really being impatient…is this ludicrous that I still do not know what my test results are?" Not only that, I feel like my questions are not valid enough to have the actual doctor call and explain things to me.

Lets recap - Blood drawn for lab tests on 7/24 and then the UGI done 8/8. Hmm.. it has been a little over month for the lab tests and 3 weeks for the UGI results and no word back? At least a few weeks ago the doctor's office told me the lab results were mailed out to me, interesting.

I put a call in to my doctor's office yesterday afternoon (8/23), a lady took a message, but I have not received a call back yet. I explained that the doctor thought I could have an ulcer, so if that is what it could be I am really concerned because I do not know what is going on, not to mention the fact that if there is something, shouldn’t something be happening to take care of it. With that I made sure to leave another message inquiring about whether or not I should continue taking the Prilosec OTC - I have 3 refills on the prescription and why keep refilling just to refill it?! What if this isn't addressing the underlying problem, whatever that may be.

Anyway, I just wanted to post an update that I still do not know the results for the blood work or the UGI, but when I do I will post something.

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