Thursday, August 16, 2007

No test results yet..

I thought the radiology tech assistant knew what she was talking about when she told me I should know the test results *for the UGI done last week (8/8)* within a few days. I have called my doctor's office to see if the results were in and I was told they weren't and that the results wouldn't bein for a few weeks. That seems a little odd to me...

So what is the story with the blood that was drawn on 7/24...hmm.. that has been a little over 2 weeks now.

I am a little impatient with this, but when you're told one thing and then something different every other time, well it just gets quite frustrating. Right?! Errr

Anyway, enough of my venting :) I just wanted to let ya know I still do not know the results for the blood work or the UGI, but when I do I will post something.

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