Monday, March 9, 2015

MRI (Brain) results

Well hello (if any one even follows this blog still)!!

Not much has been going, but I had a MRI completed yesterday, 3/8/2015. Quick and easy = no contrast agent (gadolinium) was administered. I think the funnest part about the MRI appointment was the interaction I had with the technologist conducting the scan. He asked if I've had an MRI before. I answered "oh, yes, this will be my 7th.....I have MS." His response, "oh, really, I would not have ever thought you had MS" was great to hear! I do get that surprised response from many people after they find out I have MS. Anyway, the results: My neurologist reviewed the MRI report and images, similar in appearance to prior exam in 2011, no significant change or new lesions.

Most of you know I have been administering a daily 20mg injectable therapy medication called Copaxone. Last year, the 3-times-a-week COPAXONE 40 mg was approved. I emailed my neurologist explaining how I was curious if the 40mg is on the formulary yet, and if so, it would be something I would now consider switching to (as long as he agreed). Dr informed me he called the Pharmacy to change to 40 mg dose. Well, turns out the 40 mg is not on the Kaiser formulary yet as it currently has a monthly copay of $1,200. No way... I will be sticking with the daily poke for a bit longer! Major ugh!

Other than that things are going a-okay!

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