As I had expressed, I was a little leery in the switch from Copaxone to Glatopa, not only because I was so use to what I had grown to know, but the autoject to administer the medication was different and I was unfamiliar with how Glatopa's support network, GlatopaCare, would compare/holdup to Copaxone's support, Shared Solutions. Change can be difficult, but I had to just go for it and trust the professionals.
It's been a little over 2 months since I began taking Glatopa, and for myself things have been fine. Other than the Glatopa autoject being slightly different, everything else has been relatively smooth. I anticipate that had someone just swapped them w/o my knowledge, I wouldn't have known any difference. The injection sites are similar, but if I remember correctly, Copaxone had updated their site locations as well. I still have yet to utilize Glatopa support network, but I'm signed up should I need it.
Oh, and those who know me.... I am still waiting for Kaiser Permanente to put the the 3-times-a-week Copaxone on their formulary. Mail order for this prescription would be wonderful as well ;)