Saturday, December 15, 2012

So, a friend of mine sent me an email last week letting me know she periodically checks my MS blog but noticed there hasn't been anything since June and asks if no news (as in nothing to blog about) good news? I hope so. Guess it has been a while since my last post - more than a year - that is unacceptable! :) Anyway... Nope, I haven't made any postings since not thing to report; however, for almost two weeks now I think I have been experiencing a exacerbation. My left leg feels a bit odd, not numb but just a strange sensation. I know if I go to the doctor he would offer me a prescription for steroids but I don't think that is necessary. Besides, if I can manage, I feel it is unnecessary to drug myself. I think if things were/got worse, it would be a different situation. Some people may disagree, and that is okay, but this is what I have decided to do. Other than that things are going just fine. Happy holidays to everyone!!

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