Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lastest MRI

I had not realized how long it has been since I last posted anything on here...

Not much has been going, but I had a MRI completed 11/15/11. My last one was 12/13/09 so I was due for another. When I first met with Dr. Ansari, my new Kaiser Permanaete neurologist, 9/18, he explained how he wanted to have a more current scan done this month to see if there are any changes, regarding lesion activity in my brain. I have to say, this was the best MRI experience yet. By easy I mean relatively quick and the injection to administer the contrast agent (gadolinium) for the second part of the MRI was not a problem at all!

So far, the people I have interacted with at Kaiser have been real nice. It helps my visits to my different appointments have not consisted of waiting hours in the waiting room prior to being seen, unlike the visits in MI. I am a fan of the way the Kaiser system has been since I became a member - really thought out and logically put together. I quote myself when I say 'Kaiser work like I think' - why make things complicated when it is not necessary.

As far as my MRI, I have not heard back on the results yet. I don't think the wait should be too long until I find out.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Visual Guide to Multiple Sclerosis

I received an email from WebMD on multiple sclerosis. One of the topics/links in the issue contained a link to a visual guide to MS. I think it is very helpful and maybe you will too. Please, check it out:

Friday, January 14, 2011

What, contaminated prep pads?

Five days ago, I received an email regarding a recall notice pertaining to the brand of alcohol prep-pads, Triad, that come within my Copaxone packaging kits. The recall is voluntary but it was saying how the manufacturers of these alcohol pads have issued this voluntary recall due to potential microbial contamination. Umm... voluntary... what?! No - all of my prep pads were immediately tossed upon reading that email. Using the benefit of Casey being a doctor, he picked a small stack of replacement prep pads up at the hospital for me. They're a different brand, of course. Things are back to normal now, but what a horrible thing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wow ~ 1/1/11

Had my 6-month follow-up appointment this morning. Everything went well and my doctor, Dr. Alka Sha, said she is very happy with how things have been and are going. So, again, same ol' same ol'.... nothing much to report on.

May 3rd will be my last visit with Dr. Shah before Casey and I move back to the West Coast (yay). Then the work begins to find a new neurologist with Kaiser in CA. After we move, Dr. Shah said she would continue to prescribe my Rx until I find another neurologist. Sound familiar? My neurologist in NY, Dr. Nabil Aziz did for me when we moved from NY. Moving moving!! Anyway, I asked Dr. Shah if she wouldn't mind giving a recommendation for a neurologist once we know more on where we will be moving to. I will have to get back to her with more information once we know more on our end.