Monday, June 18, 2007


On my 6/7 posting, I said I would not be seeing Dr. Aziz (my neurologist) until 6/20, but I am actually going tomorrow at 7:45 am. There was a cancellation, which is great because I had been told I didn't have a definite time slot on the 20th, as my appointment time would be determined by call in cancellations.

I believe this is a follow-up visit to see how things are going - I haven't seen Dr. Aziz since my initial visit on 5/12. I have to remember to get a medication travel note (for the trip to CA in 12 days..) so everyone is aware of the fact that I am actually on medication and that I am not a drug dealer :)

Anyway, things are going fine. I will post again after the visit tomorrow....

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